Empower Your Riding Journey!
Are you a woman who dreams of confidently riding your horse, but fear or anxiety hold you back? It's time to break free from those limitations and embark on a journey of empowerment and self discovery!
~Overcome Your Fears with Jazz Napravnik~
Unlock Your Potential with the 'Unleash Your Inner Rider' Program
What You'll Gain
By embarking on this transformational journey with Jazz, you can expect:
Mindset Shift
Through personalized coaching sessions, Jazz will guide you towards developing a positive and empowering mindset, unlocking your true potential as a rider.
Goal Achievement
Jazz will support you in setting realistic goals and provide guidance every step of the way, empowering you to achieve remarkable breakthroughs in your riding journey.
Practical Skills
You'll learn valuable techniques and strategies to manage anxiety, boost self-belief, and stay focused during challenging riding situations.
Fear Dissolution
Jazz will help you identify and understand the root causes of your fears, enabling you to confront and overcome them with confidence.
Lasting Transformation
Through the power of mindset coaching, you'll experience profound personal growth and gain tools that extend far beyond the riding arena, positively impacting every area of your life.
Get Started Today!
Don't let fear hinder your equestrian dreams any longer. Take the first step toward conquering your fears and becoming the confident rider you aspire to be. Sign up for a complimentary consultation with Jazz today and let her expertise and passion help you on your journey to riding success.
Why Choose Jazz as Your Coach?
Jazz is not just a life coach; she is an experienced equestrian who understands the unique challenges women face on their riding journey. Here's why Jazz is the perfect coach for you
With a lifelong dedication to riding and extensive experience, Jazz knows firsthand the mental barriers riders face and how to break through them.
Certified Coach
Jazz is a certified life coach, equipped with powerful techniques to help you identify and conquer your fears effectively.
Tailored Approach
Jazz recognizes that every rider is unique. She will work closely with you to create a personalized coaching plan, addressing your specific fears and empowering you to overcome them.
Supportive Environment
Jazz fosters a safe and supportive space for you to share your challenges, express your fears, and celebrate your victories. You'll be part of a like-minded community of women on similar journeys.
Find Inner Balance
Through Jazz's unique mind/body approach, you'll discover a harmonious blend of personal growth and horsemanship mastery. She'll help you explore the root causes of your fear, shattering your your limiting beliefs and equip you with strategies to ride with poise, joy, and confidence.
Forge a Deeper Connection
Jazz understands the profound bond between rider and horse. With her guidance, you'll learn to communicate effectively with your equine partner, build trust, and navigate any challenges that arise. She will empower you to tap into your intuition and develop a powerful connection that allows you to ride fearlessly.
The Time is Now!
When you join Jazz's program, you will become part of a supportive community of women who share a passion for riding and personal growth. Together we lift up and encourage one another, celebrate victories, and navigate obstacles with unwavering support. You will forge friendships that extend beyond the arena and create memories that last a lifetime.
The Two Secret Ingredients of Jazz's Coaching
Jazz's program encompasses a multidimensional approach that combines physical, mental, energetic and emotional aspects, offering a unique holistic path towards conquering fears and self-discovery.
Neural Reprogramming
Why you must go deeper than the conscious mind for lasting results.
Somatic Healing
To fully transform, you must also heal the body.
Thoughts and Beliefs
Our subconscious mind holds beliefs and thoughts that we may not always be aware of. These beliefs are often formed through our upbringing, experiences and social conditioning.
The Body Stores Emotion
Emotional trauma can be stored in the body, leading to physical sensations, tension, and discomfort. Somatic healing acknowledges that the body holds these traumas and aims to release and resolve them through specific techniques.
Programming the Subconscious
Over time repeated thoughts, emotions and experiences can reinforce these subconscious beliefs. For example, if someone constantly thinks they are unworthy of success, their subconscious programming will reflect this belief.
Mind Body Connection
The mind and the body are interconnected. And trauma affects both. Somatic healing acknowledges that by working with the body we can access and release stored emotional pain. The body's sensations and movement provide valuable information and can help facilitate the healing process.
Perceptions and Interpretations
Our subconscious programming influences how we perceive and interpret the world around us. It acts as a filter through which we view reality, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Regulating the Nervous System
Trauma often dysregulates the nervous system, leading to heightened stress responses or emotional shutdown. Somatic healing techniques focus on regulating the nervous system by engaging in practices that promote relaxation, grounding, and safety.
Attracting Experiences
The subconscious minds tends to seek evidence that validates its existing beliefs. That can lead to a self-perpetuating cycle where our beliefs attract experiences aligned with them. For instance, someone who believes they are unlucky may continue to experience unfortunate events.
Somatic healing empowers the individuals to actively participate in their healing process. By developing body awareness, and learning to listen to bodily sensations and cues, individuals can regain a sense of control and agency over their own healing journey.
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Our subconscious can influence our behavior and decisions, which in turn shape our reality. If we believe we are capable and deserving of success, we may take actions that lead to positive outcomes. Conversely, if we hold limiting beliefs, we may unintentionally sabotage our own potential.
Release of Traumatic Experiences
Somatic healing offers ways to integrate traumatic experiences at both the physical and emotional levels. By working through the body, individuals can gradually process and release trauma, allowing for more holistic and comprehensive healing experience.
Unleash Your Riding Potential
It's not necessary to continue struggling with fears and insecurities that are holding you back from reaching your full riding potential. Jazz will guide you towards overcoming those fears, empowering you to transform your mindset, and achieve greatness in the saddle.